My work seeks to evoke memory and communicate a sense of emptiness and fragility as well as highlight the drama of many life stories.
Urban Tissue
Leiden 1920 (detail), 100 x 70 cm, 2007Leiden 1920, 100 x 70 cm, 2007Leiden 1920, Two pieces of 100 x 70 cm, 2007Urban Tissue, Total dimension: 40 x 100 cm, 2008Urban Tissue, 25 x 20 cm, 2008Urban Tissue, 30 x 30, 2008Cathedrals, 70 x 70 cm, 2009Cathedrals (detail), 70 x 70 cm, 2009Gentlemen’s houses (detail), 90 x 150 cm, 2009Gentlemen’s houses, 90 x 150 cm, 2009